Michael Clofer Michael Clofer

God and My Big Three

We discuss how the 10 commandments are unconstitutional and how Jesus was enlightened well before the Enlightenment Period.

as you love yourself.

Wretched And Exalted Presents:

Conservative as Christ

Episode 1 – Making a Mountain out of a Hill to Die On

Part 2:  The Bible – God and My Big Three


Peace and blessings family! I would like to welcome you all to Conservative as Christ.

Here we discuss the sport of politics, and we sprinkle in my religion to make it interesting.

Last time we went over the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America.

It is the foundation of my political ideology.

We also talked about the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment because it allows me to practice my religion without threat of discrimination from the government.

Today we will be talking about The Holy Bible, which is where you can find my belief system and it dictates how I compete in the sport of politics.

This has been the most challenging episode for me to do so far.

I believe it is because when competing in the sport of politics “dunking” on a politician or political party is a valid way to score points.

I never want anyone to feel “dunked” on when I’m talking about their religion or belief system.

I want to have conversations about the areas where we agree and then work on ways we can build on those areas.

If we have doctrine differences, we may not be able to worship together, but are we able to serve our communities together in areas that we agree on?

Personally, I believe we can.  Especially if we are using the same Bible for our belief system.

So now I will share with you my thoughts on God from the Bible using teachings of Moses, Jesus, and The Apostle Paul.

The first thing to note is that God is just a title.

When I am talking about God, or when I pray to Him, I’m referring to YHWH. 

He is most commonly called Jehovah.

I believe He is the all-powerful creator God.

If you don’t know Him, I will give you a quick introduction by reading Genesis chapter one and ending in chapter two verse three.

[It’s the creation story.  If you are listening, I’m reading out of the New International Version. If you are reading this Google Genesis 1 NIV. Stop reading when you get to chapter 2 verse 3.]


The first thing God created was Light.

Light is science and math.

Light can be felt and measured. 

The speed of light is the fastest thing known to man. 

Light is also philosophical. 

We have an entire period in history that we call the Enlightenment Period.

Our Constitution is believed to be based on enlightenment principles. 

I say “believed” because I think those principles were around long before the 1600s.

The last thing God created was mankind.

It says that He created man and woman in His image and likeness.

It didn’t say that about the stars, or plants, or fish, or birds, or livestock.

Man and woman are unique.

Family, we don’t need to agree that there is a creator.

If we do agree that there is a Creator, we can disagree on who that creator is.

The absolute truth that cannot be denied is that we, along with all those other things that I believe God created exist.

That is a solid foundation for us to build on.

I want this show to be for all people living in America.

Therefore, I will speak of God in terms that we can all agree on.

I believe that:

God is Life.

God is Love.

God is Good.

God is Light.

That is the core four that we can all agree on.

The Bible confirmed all those in the passage from Genesis we just read.

We all believe in life.

We all believe in good.

We already talked about light.

Love is the one I choose to build with.

I’m not talking about emotional love.

I’m about that we take captive our thoughts and feelings and make them obedient type of Love.

When it comes to my philosophy on love, I have a big three:



Paul of Tarsus

Let’s start with Moses.

Moses is credited with writing the first five books of the Bible.

You are probably familiar with the 10 Commandments.

They can be found in Exodus chapter 20

1.       You shall have no other gods before me

2.       You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them

3.       You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God

4.       Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy

5.       Honor your father and mother

6.       You shall not murder

7.       You shall not commit adultery

8.       You shall not steal

9.       You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor

10.   You shall not covet your neighbor’s house         

What’s love got to do with this?

Good question.

I believe this is the ground floor of love.

I believe they are a good thing for society.

There are some who argue that we should put the 10 commandments in public schools.

I don’t believe that we should.

The first four are unlawful under the Constitution.

It is a violation of my rights to force us to follow any god.

It is a violation of my rights to restrict our worship of any god.

It is a violation of my rights to restrict our speech about any god.

It is a violation of my rights to force us to observe religious your days.

Why?  The Establishment Clause.

Well, what if we cut out the first four and just went with The Six Commandments in public schools?

We can all agree that the things discussed in commandments 5-10 exist.

Can we all agree they are good ground to stand on?


                5.            Honor your father and mother = moral good/unlawful to enforce under the Constitution

6.            You shall not murder = moral good/lawful

7.            You shall not commit adultery = moral good/unlawful

8.            You shall not steal = moral good/ lawful

9.            You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor = moral good/lawful

10.          You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. = subjective/unlawful to enforce

Only 30% of the Ten Commandments are enforceable by United States law.

Because of that, I do not feel that they should be taught in public schools.

It’s also more proof that America is not now, nor has it ever been a Christian nation.

I do believe that the 30% that is enforceable is solid ground to build on if a peaceful society is your goal.

Next up we have Jesus.

To introduce Jesus, we are going to read from John chapter 1 verses 1-18 out of the NIV.

Family did you catch what John did there?

Do you remember the creation story we read out of Genesis?

John just said that Jesus was there.

He says that after he was created, he did all of the other creating.

It says Jesus is the light for all mankind.

I believe he is both God and man.

So how do I find common ground with those who do not believe as I do?

We all agree on light and mankind existing.

I will say that Jesus is an enlightened man long before the enlightenment period.

What was his philosophy?


Jesus said that he came to fulfill the law of Moses

We looked at the Ten Commandments, but God gave Moses over six hundred commandments.

Jesus was asked out of all of them which were the greatest.

His response and explanation when asked to clarify is the reason I’m a Christian today.

For this account we will be reading out of the book of Matthew chapter 22 verses 36-40 and Luke chapter 10 verses 30-37.

Just like that everyone in the world became my neighbor.

And If I want to be a follower of Jesus, I have to love you as I love myself.

That makes y’all lucky because I really love me some me.

There is one more teaching on love from Jesus that dictates how I compete in the sport of politics.

It comes in Matthew chapter 5 verses 43-48.

This is a hard teaching.

The religious leaders of his time had him killed because they felt he was going beyond what Moses had taught.

Paul of Tarsus was an expert in the Law of Moses.

In his zeal for God, he persecuted Christians overseeing the death of the first Christian martyr.

With orders to hunt down more Christians he had an encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus.

This is after Jesus had resurrected from the dead.

We don’t have to agree on that, but what can’t be denied is Paul is credited with writing the majority of the New Testament.

Paul was called the Apostle to the Gentiles because he traveled preaching to people who were not Jewish.

Here is an account of a visit to Athens, Greece.

It can be found in Acts chapter 17 verses 16-28.

I believe that Paul was one of the wisest men in history.

He was in Athens debating all the philosophers of the day.

Those men were the forefathers of the forefathers our forefathers based the Constitution on.

And Paul was able to enlighten them with his knowledge of the God who created the universe and everything in it.

He did that using his expertise in the law God gave to Moses, interpreted through Jesus Christ.

And family the bible tells us that those debates usually ended with a mob throwing Paul out of the city.

On at least one occasion they left him for dead.

But churches were left in his wake and the letters that he wrote to those churches are what make up the majority of the new testament.

We mentioned that in the old testament God gave Moses 613 laws.

Of those the 10 Commandments are what is widely known.

Jesus said that the greatest commandments were to love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself.

Paul said that the greatest commandment was to love your neighbor as yourself.

Wait what?  We say Jesus is lord.

Why did Paul change what Jesus said?

I believe the conversation with Jesus on the road to Damascus was the reason.

Paul was ready to murder people made in the image and likeness of God, in the name of God even though God said do not murder.

He called Jesus lord just as I do, and we talked about how Jesus said to love your enemy.

In Romans chapter 12 Paul says that if your enemy is hungry, you should feed him.

He was quoting Proverbs chapter 25 in that passage. 

He knew what the old testament said. 

He just didn’t have the proper interpretation before he met Jesus.

That’s if you believe what the Bible says.

For my family who only believe in science I will just tell you how I live.

I try to love everyone as I love myself.

Because of that I believe in the complete equality of all people.

As far as it depends on me, I live at peace with all people.

I do that because I want that for myself and the people I love.

That includes you too family.

I’m telling you this so you can know what I believe and why I believe it.

I want you to understand why I make the choices I make when I’m competing in the sport of politics.

If you are one of the 80 million Americans who do not participate in politics, we could use your help at this time.

Domestically we are literally a house divided. 

We have republicans fighting republicans fighting democrats.

None of them are fighting for We the people.

On the foreign policy side, we have two wars that could easily lead to a world war.

I don’t speak on foreign policy because I don’t have all the information required to make an informed decision.

I pray for a speedy resolution and for the safety of all God’s children on both sides of the conflicts.

As always, I’m never asking you to believe as I believe.

I am asking, what do you believe?

Let me know in the comments.

And that is the show family.

I thank you for being here with us.

You could have been anywhere in the world, and you chose to spend your time with us.

For that we are appreciative.

We are trying to build a community of people who believe in the American Dream.

In the Constitution they gave us the power to be the change we want to see.

I intend to use it.

Next episode we talk about strategy.

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Michael Clofer Michael Clofer

Biden vs Trump - Political Fan Fiction

We discuss the candidates running for President in the Democrat and Green Party. We created the PFFL.

Peace and blessings family! I would like to welcome you all to Conservative as Christ.

This is our 2024 Presidential election special part two.

It is to celebrate the kickoff to the political season and discuss the candidates running for President.

Today we will be talking about the candidates in the Democrat and Green Party.

To be respectful of your time we’re going to jump right in.

We will start with the Democrats, and they have running:

President Joe Biden

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Marianne Williamson

The Democrat Party will not be holding primary debates this season.

Joe Biden is the incumbent, and their policy is to support the incumbent.

Politics is a sport with strange rules, but how silly would it be if the AFC announced that Kansas City would represent the conference in the Super Bowl this year only because they won last year.

That is exactly what the Democrat party is doing.

Without any debates to help me make my selection, if my choices are Joe Biden, Robert Kennedy Jr., or Marianne Williamson

I would vote for Marianne Williamson in the democrat primary.

Finally, we will look at the Green Party

And you may be thinking how can there be a third-party in a two-party system?

The Green Party doesn’t have ballot access in every state.  I thought this was unconstitutional and another form of voter suppression.

I went to complain about it, and someone told me it wasn’t worth fighting for their state as it only had three electoral votes.

If I start talking about the electoral college y’all will start to think that the sport is rigged so I’m going to go back to talking about the Green Party.

They don’t have a date set for the party convention where they pick their nominee at this time.

My choice would be Cornell West.

He campaigned for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 and 2020 elections.

He and Sanders have similar policy positions but disagree on how to implement them.

This disagreement led to Bernie Sanders endorsing President Biden and Cornell West running in the Green Party.

Some are referring to Cornell West as a spoiler candidate.

To them I would say that Cornell West would have voted for Bernie in 2016.

I would have too. Who spoiling who?

So now we have our three primary winners and we put them on the debate stage.

That’s what we would do using our current system.

But I would like to run an experiment.

We will call it the Political Fan Fiction League or P-F-F-L

In the PFFL there will be seven candidates running for President.

It is recommended that you use the front runner in the Republican, Democrat, and Green Party.

The remaining four candidates can be anyone running for President.

Here are the candidates running for President in the PFFL.

MAGA Republican:          Donald Trump

Democrat:                      Joe Biden

Green:                            Cornell West

Republican:                    Nikki Haley

Independent:                  Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

He said that he is a Kennedy Democrat. He is not going to win the Democrat Primary.  He should run as an Independent.

New Democrat:                Marianne Williamson

New Republican:              Will Hurd

Will Hurd was not allowed at the first Republican Primary debate because he did not rank high enough in the polls. It’s a shame because he would have added diversity of thought, but every sport has its rules.

In the P-F-F-L Rank Choice Voting (RCV) is used to select the President.

Instead of voting for one of those candidates you rank them in order of preference from one to seven.

I look for two things in a candidate. What is your domestic policy and what is your foreign policy?

For me domestically poverty is my number one issue. My number one issue for foreign policy is promoting peace.

There isn’t a single candidate listed or that I know of who I agree with on both of those policies.

Domestic policy is of a higher importance to me so based on that my rankings are:

1)      Cornell West

2)      Marianne Williamson

3)      Joe Biden

4)      Will Hurd

5)      Nikki Haley

6)      Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

7)      Donald Trump

After everyone has ranked their candidates, we see if any one of them has the majority of the vote

If someone does, they win the election.

If there is no majority, the candidate with the lowest percentage is eliminated.

If your first choice is eliminated your vote goes to your second choice on the list.

The process will continue until there is one candidate with a majority of the vote.

It is still one person one vote, but you rank every candidate when you vote.

The PFFL season ends on November 1, 2024.

Then we will check the results to see how the candidate selected compares to the two candidates running in our current system.

 Leave a comment with your ranking. Your number one choice is who you hope will win, but who do you think will win?

RCV is just another method that can be used for selecting candidates.

There are valid pros and cons to it like anything else.

One of the cons I heard while looking into it was that it is too confusing.

If anyone tells you that something is too confusing, it is time to put your investigator hat on.

You have to find out if the person is saying that the subject is confusing for them, so they can’t explain it to you properly.

Or If they are saying that they understand, but they don’t think that you would be able to understand.

Either way your decision should be to go read up on the subject for yourself.

In our current system we appear to be heading for a Biden versus Trump rematch of 2020.

In 2020 I said that I was voting for Joe Biden because I would rather fight him than to fight Trump.

I voted for Biden and then January 6th happened.

Trump is now being sued by serval states as they are asking to have him taken off of the ballot.

They say his contribution to January 6th was a violation of the 14th Amendment.

(Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, Oklahoma)

((There was a case in Florida, but it has been dismissed.))

I believe this is a more valid reason to keep him off of the ballot than his legal troubles.

I compare it to what happened with Pete Rose and Major League Baseball

They banned him for life because they said that what he did challenged the integrity of the game.

Politics is a sport, but it is too serious to be a game. What president Trump did on January 6th challenged the integrity of our democracy.

As it stands right now there isn’t anything Donald Trump could do to earn my vote in the 2024 election.

Even if he made a beautiful speech addressing all of my policy concerns, I wouldn’t trust him.

President Biden on the other hand is a little different.

I was a registered Democrat up until this year.

I switched to Independent because if the election were held today, I would not vote for Joe Biden.

He gave a good speech last week on “Bidenomics” and his accomplishments.

It’s going to take more than a good speech to get my vote.

What would it take?

1)      Social Security = Increase age to 70 and Increase taxable maximum to 500 thousand dollars.

a.       The retirement age for elected officials should be 70 as well.

2)      Health Care = Americans should get the same health care benefits as a U.S. Senator.

3)      Unemployment = We need a jobs guarantee. 4% unemployment is unacceptable.

4)      Poverty = Raise the minimum wage to a living wage.

5)      Taxes = Create a more equitable tax system.

If Joe Biden were to do those things PRIOR to the 2024 election I would vote for him again.

If I vote for someone else the only spoiler will have been Joe Biden.



Thanks for reading or listening family.

If you would like to help reform the sport of politics, the first step is to register to vote.

Then ask your local politicians if they would like to earn your vote.

Always make them earn your vote. It’s too precious to give away.

“We the people are the church, and we are the state. What God has joined together let no man separate.”

I AM/The Wretch

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Michael Clofer Michael Clofer

Republican Primary Debate/My Dream Candidate

We discuss the first Republican Party primary debate, address issues facing our current political system, and hear what my dream candidate would sound like answering the questions posed to those on the debate stage.

Peace and blessings family! I welcome you all to Conservative as Christ Special Election Episode part 1.

Who am I? I am just a wretched servant of a great God and country. Always in that order.

To be respectful of your time we are going to jump right in.

This is a special episode dedicated to the Republican Primary Debate which kicked off the political season.

Politics is one of my favorite sports and it needs reform.

This is not anything to freak out over as all of our major sports need reform at times to remain competitive.

Unlike our other sports, politics is not a game and should not be taken lightly.

I think the first problem we should start with is the two-party system.

Once you understand that our politics is a sport, you to see how absurd it is for a country of 335 million people to only have two political parties.

As a country we are much more diverse in political thought than the Republicans and the Democrats.

According to the Pew Research Center the 2020 election saw the greatest voter turnout in decades.

And there were still eighty million eligible voters who did not participate.

They do not feel like either party represents them, so they stay home.

That is a form of voter suppression.

Not only that, but it goes against the very principles that this country was founded on.

The objective truth is this country was founded because the people rebelled against taxation without representation.

Currently our two-party system is leaving ¼ of our citizens being taxed without representation.

And the remainder of us are forced to choose between having the lesser of two evils represent us.

Which leads us to the debate stage.

But first tell me if this makes sense?

My state has a closed primary system which means that in order for me to vote in the republican primary I have to be registered as a Republican. Does that make sense to you? In my mind I should be able to vote in the republican primary, democrat primary, green party, and any other party on the ballot in my state.

I still could only vote for one of them for president, but I gave myself the best option to get president I want.

Why is that not the way it is?

As it stands, I cannot vote in the Republican primary.

I will give my overall thoughts on the debate:

Who do I think won?

Would I vote for them?

Then we will go over the questions that were asked and I will give the response that my ideal candidate would give.

There were eight candidates on stage: (The quotes are from their campaign websites)

1.       Ron DeSantis – “American decline is not inevitable, it’s a choice.”

2.       Vivek Ramaswamy – “No greater damnation in modern society than being called a racist.”

3.       Mike Pence – “Trump failed the Constitution, I upheld it.”

4.       Nikki Haley – “On our worst day we are blessed to live in America.”

5.       Tim Scott – “We need a commander in chief with a backbone.”

6.       Chris Christie – “Because truth matters.”

7.       Asa Hutchinson – “I believe in an America that leads.”

8.       Doug Burgum – “Our enemies are not our neighbors.”

When it comes to the Republican Party agenda the candidates agree on most issues. They may show their work differently, but they end with the same answer.

The three issues they had the most disagreement on were:

                Donald Trump

                Russia, Ukraine


If I had to pick a winner of the debate it would be Nikki Haley

Unless she has changes in her policy positions, I will not be voting for Nikki Haley in 2024.

Here are the debate questions and how I would have answered them:

1)      Biden says that “Bidenomnics” is working. Do you agree?

No. There are too many hardworking Americans living in poverty. The American Dream used to be that you could own a home and raise a family on a single income. How can that be achieved when the minimum wage is only 7.25 an hour? The first thing I will do in office is raise the minimum wage. I will eliminate the term working poor.


2)      What will you do to rein in government spending?

I reject the premise that government spending needs to be reined in. I reject the idea of small government. The government has to be big to perform the job of running and defending the country. The real question is for whom will this big government be working? The needs of the few or the needs of the many. As President I would make sure the government is working for, We the People and not just a select few.


3)      Why should voters choose you as a non-politician without any experience?

That is exactly why they should choose me. I am not a politician, but one of them fighting for them.

4)      They asked Pence if he was part of the spending problem as the Trump administration added to the deficit. I reject the premise we have a spending problem. I believe we have a resource allocation problem. We should be getting more for what we are spending.


5)      Do you believe that human behavior is causing climate change?




6)      Abortion question

As a Christian I am pro-life so I am against the death penalty as the bible says thou shall not kill.

We have 100% control over who we execute as a nation.

As a Christian I love my neighbor as myself and I would not want anyone outside of my family and doctor telling me what I should do with my body so I think abortion should be legal. Therefore, I think Roe vs Wade was a fair compromise.

Recent election results prove that most Americans feel the same way.


7)      Homeliness and Crime are on the rise. Is this the cause of the Covid lockdown?

No. in America we never had a lockdown due to covid.

Homeliness and crime are on the rise because people are getting more desperate. Did the covid outbreak exacerbate this? Yes

How do we solve it? End poverty.


8)      If Trump is convicted, but wins the nomination will you still support him?

No, poverty is not on his agenda.


9)      Did Pence do the right thing?


10)   Would you support the increase of more funding to Ukraine?

I currently do not have the clearance to know all the information I would need to provide a proper answer to that question.

Overall, my foreign policy will be to promote peace and extend peace as far as it depends on me.


11)   How would you deter China.

See answer to question 10


12)   Do you consider the Mexican Cartel coming across the border an invasion?


Would you authorize lethal force?

Before we can promote peace abroad, we have to secure our peace domestically and that means properly securing our borders.

As President I will ensure our agents working along the border are properly staffed and supplied to keep us secured.


13)   As President do you support sending U.S. Special Forces over the border to take out fentanyl labs?

No. I am not in favor of committing acts of war against our neighbors.


14)   What would you do about the seven million migrants that have come across the border since Biden took office?

Those coming to America to pursue the American Dream will be given a path to citizenship if that is what they want. If they just want to work my administration will have plenty of that as well.

I have driven all through fly over country. We have plenty of space for all of our citizens as well as those seeking asylum.


15)   What would you do to repair the decline in education?

Sensible reform:

Better facilities 

Competitive pay to attract qualified staff

Parent/Community engagement

16)   Should Presidents have to pass a mental and physical test in order to serve?

No, put an age minimum and maximum. I would say 35-70. Waivers for this can be approved.



17)   If you were president, would you tell the American people the truth about UFOs?



18)   70% of Americans used to say that they were proud to be an American. Today that number is only 39%. Tell Americans voters why you are the person to inspire this nation to a better day.

My fellow Americans I can honestly tell you that I would vote for a candidate like me. All I ask of you is to vote for a candidate that you feel represents you.


Thanks for reading or listening family.

“We the People are conservative as Christ because we are the church, and we are the state.”

I AM/The Wretch

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